State of exception? The right to a lawyer

Gabriele Heineke from the Anwaltliche Notdienst (Lawyer’ Emergency Service) talks about her work around the G20 demonstrations:

and during the FCMC press conference on 8th of July 2017:

The prisoner support (EA) highlighted the situation in the temporary prison camp (GeSa) in it’s press release from the 8th of july 2017.

Press release of the G20 EA for July 8th

Languages: Inglese e Tedesco

State of exception? On Freedom of the Press during the G20

Several journalists hat their press accreditation to the G20 meeting withdrawn by the BKA. Renate Angstmann Koch of the German Journalists Union (DJU) talked about journalistic work and restrictions during the G20 at the press conference on 8 July 2017.

Languages: Inglese e Tedesco